Galerie Peter Herrmann

Ancient Art from Africa - Ife |
Ife, Nigeria
15th century
31,5 cm
Thermolumineszenz - Expertise

Alone amongst the Ife heads, this beautiful specimen opens his lips, as though he were talking. His facial characteristics seem soft and relaxed, and his entire face is so smoothly and naturally rendered that an uncommon dynamism complements his illustrious expression. The usually so common holes around the mouth and on the cheeks are nowhere to be found; indeed the only holes to be found are located on the neck, made specifically so that the head could be attached to a wooden body. Like the absence of holes, the rendering of the richly-decorated, clamshell-topped headdress is also unique, and every detail on the head is expressed in depth.
Frank WILLETT: Ife. Metropole afrikanischer Kunst, Bergisch Gladbach 1967, S. 36.
Barbara PLANKENSTEINER (Hg.): Benin. Könige und Rituale. Höfische Kunst aus Nigeria, Wien 2007, S. 272 |
Similar objects : |
Federal Department of Antiquities, Lagos, Nigeria |
Elsy LEUZINGER: Die Kunst von Schwarz-Afrika, Recklinghausen, 1972, S. 151. |
Ife Museum für Ife-Altertümer
Schätze aus Alt-Nigeria. Ministerium für Kultur, Berlin (Ost) 1985, S. 116. |
Frank WILLETT: Ife. Metropole afrikanischer Kunst, Bergisch Gladbach 1967, S. 37. |
British Museum, London |
William B. FAGG: Bildwerke aus Nigeria, München 1963, S. 39. |
Till Förster: Kunst in Afrika, Köln 1988, S. 2. |
Ife Museum für Ife-Altertümer (Kopie) |
Ekpo EYO, Frank Willett: Kunstschätze aus Alt-Nigeria, Mainz 1983, S. 21. |
