Individual Art Objects | Archive |
1986-2016 |
Mali | Burkina Faso | Ivory Coast... >> |
Nigeria - divers ... >> |
Nigeria - Ife and Benin... >> |
Cameroon - Wood | Textile | Clay | Ivory... >> |
Cameroon - Bronzes, Grassfields... >> |
Cameroon | Congo - Wood | Textile | Pipes | Ivory... >> |
Cameroon | Nomguih'e pe'e Malomguguih'e... >> |
South Africa - Ndebele | Zulu | Tsonga... >> |
2000 |
200 Years of Metalwork from Africa
A controversial exhibition because its premise contained several theories that contradicted accepted ethnological and art historical assessments. This link will take you to the Stuttgart exhibition, which also includes detailed information... |
2001 |
...and here is the Berlin installation of the exhibition
200 Years of Metalwork from Africa
The visual documentation of the exhibition is best viewed here, and detailed descriptions of the objects can be found through the above link for the same exhibition in Stuttgart. |
2004 |
Nomguih'e pe'e Malomgueguih'e
7. September. - 8.October 2004
The Leopard and the Spider in the Art and Mythology of the Cameroon Grassfields. Curated by Yaëlle Biro, in cooperation with Klaus Paysan.
2007 |
Bronzes from Ife and Benin
February 3 to April 14, 2007
The Gallery is showing an unusually large selection of 65 bronze objects from 11th till 19th centuries, among them heads and figures from Ife, as well as reliefs, statues, heads and animals from Benin. |
2008 |
A Thousand Years of Benin Bronzes
February 9 - Mai 10, 2008
In parallel with a similarly-themed exhibit at Berlin’s Museum of Ethnology in Dahlem, our exhibition of over 60 objects emphasizes and augments various important aspects of classical Benin culture.