actualisé le 16 decembre 2024 |
Restitution, Commerce et Afrique
29.3.2021 |
Rédigé en 2018, l'article est désormais traduit en anglais à l'aide du programme de traduction DeepL.
En Allemagne, cet article a fait grand bruit, car il fait appel à la raison contre le courant dominant.
Culture Benin. Nigeria
+- 1750
Bronze. 63 cm |
Benin, Nigeriar
+- 1700
Bronze.37 cm |
Ife-Style. Nigeria
+- 1720
37 cm. Bronze |
Tête Owoueto
Culture Benin-Nigeria
+- 1930
22 cm. Bronze |
vers 1680
Bronze. 42x46 cm |
Tête de serpent
Benin, Nigeria
18/19. siècle
Bronze. 28 cm |
Benin, Nigeria
vers 1780
Bronze. 44 cm
Culture Owo, Nigeria
TL - Expertise.15/16ème siècle
Terre cuite, 14 cm |
Culture Ife, Nigeria
14ème siècle
Terre cuite, 14 cm |
Militaire gradé
Culture Bénin, Nigeria
probablement 1880
Bronze. 30 x 48 cm
General en costume
Culture Bénin, Nigeria
TL 1930/ stil 18ème siècle
Bronze. 36 x 46,5 cm |
Culture Bénin, Nigeria
vers 1580
Bronze. 28 cm
Thermoluminescence - Expertise
Labor Ralf Kotalla
Wissenschaftliches Laboratorium - Museo d'Arte e Scienza
FT-IR spektroscopic Analyse |
Thermoluminescence - Expertise
Labor Ralf Kotalla
Aventis |
Antiques Analytics |
Ife. Nigeria
+- 1450
Terre cuite .41 cm
Culture Ife, Nigeria
vers 1370
Bronze. 31 cm |
Bronze. 32,5 cm |
L'âge ne peut pas être déterminé avec précision (≈ 14ème siècle)
Bronze. 32, cm |
Ife, Nigeria
TL +- 1450
Bronze. 31 cm |
Culture Tada, Nigeria
vers 1750
Bronze. 36 x 31 cm |
In Stock: Classic art from Africa - Benin, Ife, Fang, Bamana, Eket, Bamileke, Nok, Sokoto, Ibo, Urhobo, Pheul, Dogon, Lower Congo, Ngbaka, Marka ... |
L'art nouveau du style traditionnel
••• |
Gardien, haut Mono.
Togo. ca. 1980
92 cm.
Cette figurine n'est plus à vendre. Elle est devenue privée. |
| Droit
According to the 1970 UNESCO convention, a repatriation claim must be made within a year after the authorities in the country of origin become aware of the cultural artifact’s location. Galerie Peter Herrmann thus always shares all information about its pieces – especially the Nigerian bronzes pictured on these pages, exhibited between 1989 and today and published online since 1995. Our mailing list includes organizations that handle restitution matters as well as both independent and state-employed art historians from, e.g., Nigeria.
Every buyer of an art object, whether it’s made of wood, clay or bronze, must be aware that from a European legal perspective, the piece usually was taken from the respective African country of origin on the basis of inadequate export documents. Neither international regulations nor national African legislation are conducive to free trade. Galerie Peter Herrmann tries to confront this dilemma by operating with the greatest possible transparency. The period from 1985 to 2015 in which Peter Hermann has been active is extraordinarily problematic for art historical research because African and European dealers worked as covertly as possible in a hazy legal situation and because important information that prior to 1970 might have passed from market to academy tended to be kept hushed up.
When in doubt, Peter Herrmann asks that you please be in touch. It’s in the gallery’s best interest to resolve every questionable situation using all available means.
Peter Herrmann, August 2015
Expert in old and new art from Africa
Customs and insurance expert
Transfer of Cultural Property Act
Restitution of Cultural Property Act
Protection of Cultural Property Act
UNESCO Convention
Thèses à l'histoire d'arts
Since many years Peter Herrmann is supporting the thesis, that since around the tenth century there ist cast-bronze in the today Benin-City. In opposition to ethnologists, who declare a shift of this technique from Ife to Benin in the 14th century. The discussion on a nigerian blog is using ceveral arguments to change art history in many points and leads to the gallery website using stylistic comparisons and the TL-Analyses of Kotalla Laboratory.
The Monument - Art dans l'espace public
The so called Monument in Baguida was build by Paul Ahyi to remember the german-togolees friendship and was inaugurated in 1984. In this essay the middleman of art Peter Herrmann looks with humor more on the context then on the art itself. |
Ein sehr schönes Denkmal im Stil der 1970er wurde 1984 von Herr Diktator Gnassingbe Eyadema zum Andenken an die wunderschöne Zeit mit den Deutschen eröffnet. Zeiten, wo es am Schluss einer Züchtigung noch einen extra Hieb für den Kaiser gab und Recht und Ordnung noch groß geschrieben wurden. Mit den Franzosen kam dann das welsche Lotterleben und ...... Kolumne |
Le panéel a gauche. Humaines avec les trues dans leur pantalon ou de cheveux deranges ou, mon dieu, les hommes avec boucles dedang oreilles avez une petit chance pour aimé en garçon commes Saint Joseph. Halleluja est reservé pour le gens avec cravattes.
ll "traffico" d'arte africana - by Matteo Koffi Fraschini
Lomé (TOGO): Trafficante o commerciante? A seconda degli anni e delle circostanze, il ruolo di Peter Herrmann, tedesco sui 60 anni, è cambiato rispetto al fenomeno del commercio di arte africana tradizionale. Nessuno ha stime precise, ma è certo che tantissimi oggetti, per un valore di diversi miliardi di euro, sono stati comprati in Africa e rivenduti in Occidente durante l’ultimo secolo. Il cosiddetto “Traffico d’arte primitiva” nel continente nero è un mercato molto complicato, caratterizzato da diversi lati oscuri e pericolosi. I rischi sono tanti e a tutti i livelli. Alcuni esperti, africani e stranieri, parlano di un patrimonio culturale africano interamente rubato. Altri sostengono invece che si tratti di una compravendita di opere per molti aspetti legale, anche se difficilmente si trovino leggi apposite per regolarla. Dopo oltre 30 anni in questo mestiere, il Signor Hermann e altri conoscitori di tale controversa realtà hanno espresso le loro opinioni.
RSI - Radiotelevisione svizzera - January 28 - 25 minutes - ll "traffico" d'arte africana |
L'art contemporary en vente |
Certaines oeuvres de différents artistes, représentés autrefois par la galerie et actuellement en vente.: Bill Kouélany, Berry Bickle, Ayana V. Jackson, Zohra Opoku, Manuela Warstat, Marcia Kure, Nicole Guiraud, George Osodi, Fréderic Bruly Bouabré, Daniel Kojo Schrade, Jürgen Schadeberg, Mansour Ciss, Aboudramane, Moké, Chéri Samba, Ralf Schmerberg et Goddy Leye.
For sale on behalf of clients, works by Pascale Marthine Tayou, Owusu-Ankomah und Malam Artists
Collection de Francfort
Euro 8,800,-
voir plus: Malam |
La Chimiothérapie
Série: Le sang de l'audre
2007, Plâtre, emballage pharmaceutique, bouteilles, chaise, 156 cm.
55 Set's including four from seven notes in a noumbered Couvert. Until 31.12.2011 each 300,- Euro >> Afro
Exampel: Nr. PH8 |
With a series of printed Afro-notes on canvas El Hadji Mansour Ciss dit Kanakassy won 2008 the 1. Price of the Dakar-Biennale. |
Le plus grand balafon du monde en vente |
...This diatonic balaphone has 29 slats made of palisander. Calebasses serve as soundboxes, all elements are tied togehter with cowhide cords. In order to produce a sound that sends out soft metallic vibrations, membranes of a smoothed out spider´s nest have been attached to the inside of the soundboxes. Four sticks with natural caoutchouc for playing the instrument.
The balaphone is 3 metres in length and up to 1.35 metres in width. Built for professional purposes, it is, to our knowledge, one of the largest instrument of its kind. During four months, Aly Keïta has traveled to three countries to find calebasses of the size needed.... more >> |
We are the World
Video -
Goddy Leye
Vendue au
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
Fondazione Fotografia, Modena |
La plus belle des sculptures Fang. Sud du Cameroun.
Est arrivée à Berlin pendant la période coloniale.
Vendue à une collection du sud de l'Allemagne.
appr. 1450. Bronze. 33 cm.
Ife-Culture, Nigeria.
appr. 1800
Bronze. 31 cm |
Après plusieurs analyses cette pièce à été détecté comme en faux. Néanmoins par sa beauté elle ne devoir pas être démonetisér. Il maintenant dans la collection des fausse objets de labor Ralf Kotalla |
Culture Ife, Nigeria
entre 1 et 50 ans. L'âge ressentie: 600
Bronze. 32,5 cm |
Ife, Nigeria
vers 1750
19 cm, Terre cuite
Thermoluminescence Expertise
by QED Laboratoire |
Tomodensitométrique | scanner à rayon X
Dr. Marc Ghysels. Radiologist pdf |
Gardian, haut Mono.
Togo. ca. 1980
93 cm. vendu |
Culture Owo, Nigeria
vers 1850
Bronze. 40 cm
vendu |
vendu Nov 2017 - Masque Ife d'un collection privée de Lomé.
De ce type de bronze existent beaucoup plus que donné dans la littérature ethnologique.
Proportionnellement on adapte les prix à la nouvelle situation. Le masque est expertisé par Peter Herrmann sur le plan du style et de patine et est vendu par ordre. TL-analyse était déjà fais certaines années avant dans le laboratoire Kotalla et est encore présenté plus tard. large |
Ce masque est publié officiellement avec cette illustration (11.5.2017) et correspond ainsi aux demandes de l'UNESCO-Convention |
bélier - aquamanile
Culture Owo, Nigeria
vers 1650 (TL)
h 24 cm | l 38 cm
vendu à une collection privé, Singapour |
Culture Ife, Nigeria
vers 1350
Bronze. 30,5 cm
vendu novembre 2020 à une collection privé, Allemagne
Interesting non-commercial activities from Peter Herrmann. Site under construction. more >> |
Peter ToGo | Bye Bye Berlin |
Ce que certains considèrent comme la capitale artistique n'a été pour nous qu'une périphérie. Nous nous sommes maintenant rendus dans notre capitale, Lomé, où nous fêterons les 25 ans de la galerie.
Nos activités reprendront aux alentours de juin 2014. Nous garderons toutefois un dépôt et un bureau en Allemagne. Nos newsletter continueront de vous tenir informé de toutes nos activités.
Beaucoup de personnes se demandent pourquoi Lomé. |
À Berlin, l'art contemporain n'a malheureusement pas pu s'imposer commercialement. La présentation des oeuvres des artistes a été exclusivement financée par la vente des objets classiques et anciens africains. Tout comme d'autres galeries berlinoises, nous n'avons pas pu engendrer des revenus suffisants lors des différents salons d'art hors de Berlin. Art Cologne, Art Karlsruhe, Johannesburg Art Fair : Malgré l'importance de la participation des artistes sur ces salons, les retombées financières ont été très décevantes. Berlin n'a presque pas de marché... pas même pour des livres d'art!
En revanche, depuis ces dernière années, l'intérêt pour l'art ancien et classique ainsi qu'une nouvelle scène artistique jeune et dynamique se sont développés en Afrique de l'Ouest, parallèlement à une classe moyenne intéressée par l'art et au pouvoir d'achat élevé. De plus, cela fait des années que Lomé occupe la place de capitale marchande de l'art classique africain en Afrique de l'Ouest, et se trouve entre Lagos et Accra, deux nouveaux centres pour l'art contemporain. Sans oublier que nous participons à des projets avec Brazzaville, Douala et Dakar, dont nous sommes ainsi plus proche.
Mais retournons à notre destination. Là où nous réaliserons à présent nos expositions. Vous voulez en savoir plus sur le Togo? Nous vous recommandons le site de la Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) dont Otto Frick, un visiteur régulier de notre galerie, est l'auteur et le responsable. Vers le Togo..
Merci enfin à tous ceux qui viendront - nous l'espérons - nous rendre visite à Lomé |
La dernière exposition à Berlin |
Bill Kouélany, Berry Bickle, Marcia Kure, Nicole Guiraud, Klaus Schnocks-Meusen, George Osodi, Daniel Kojo Schrade, Aboudramane, Ralf Schmerberg, Chéri Samba et bien d'autres encore.
Certaines oeuvres de différents artistes, représentés autrefois par la galerie et actuellement en vente en commission.
Art ancien africain des régions Benin, Ife, Fang, Bamana, Eket, Bamileke, Nok, Sokoto, Ibo, Urhobo, Pheul, Dogon, Bas-Congo, Ngbaka, Marka ... |
Carnaval |
Peter Herrmann, peu de temps après avoir reçu le Prix Nobel de la paix, en train de travailler avec son Herrmann SK-4000. Avec ce canon à radiations ioniques, il donne à vos objets l'âge souhaité....
approuvées par des ethnologues reconnus >> |
Rosy Future | ifa Galerie |
"Soldiers" with their "Weapons" for a Museum of contemporary art in Tunis |
Halim Karabibene was photographing for the exhibition:
Rosy Future - Contemporary Art from Tunisia.
fa Gallery Berlin
1210. – 21.12.2012
ifa Gallery Stuttgart
01.02. – 07.04.2013 |
Photos of the last gallery space in Berlin >> |
Bye Bye Berlin | Jürgen Schadeberg
Voices from the Land & City in South Africa today |
A gallery opening, a farewell gala, and an 82nd birthday party, all in one night.
Although Berlin-born Jürgen Schadeberg and his wife Claudia are already leaving the city they had hoped to settle in, after having returned for only two years. They are moving on, to the south of Spain, where people will be willing to be photographed once more. We would like to hold a joyous vernissage a few days before he leaves and celebrate the move and his birthday with him. |
In the exhibition we show 75 photographs extracted from the series Voices from the Landand Tales from Jozi. An accompanying film program is being prepared.
Voices from the Land depicts black and white images of agrarian South Africa, where people continue to live in near feudalism until today, and poverty is close at hand. This subtle and calm series displays the documentarian claim of the photographer. In contrast is the series Tales from Jozi. Here, the blazing city life jumps to color and shows us Johannesburg in all its facets. The books on these series and others, such as The Black and White Fifties, which we exhibited in 2003, will be sold in the gallery. |
Bye Bye Berlin, 82nd birthday
and farewell party:
Exhibition: March 19 - May 11, 2013
Exhibition opening: With food, drinks, and live music: March 18, 2013 | 19:00
Mike Russel - Guitar
Max Hughes - Bass
Kenny Martin - Drums
Lionel Haas - Keyboard
Soulymane Touré - Talking Drum |
DJ Armin Engel. - Music from South Africa of the last fifty years
In the Video-room: Films from and with Jürgen Schadeberg
Catering: Ebe Ano. Nigerian Fingerfood.
Introduction: Peter Herrmann |
Group exhibition - Best of Bill Kouélany, Berry Bickle, Ayana V. Jackson, Zohra Opoku, Manuela Warstat, Marcia Kure, Nicole Guiraud, George Osodi, Fréderic Bruly Bouabré, Daniel Kojo Schrade, Mansour Ciss, Aboudramane, Moké, Chéri Samba, Ralf Schmerberg, Mamadou Gomis and Goddy Leye. Works for sale on customers order by Pascale Marthine Tayou, Owusu-Ankomah and Malam. |
Zohra Okpoku & Goddy Leye |
Handwash Only & Hommage
Installation and Video | A Project in Cooperation with Ifa (Institut for Foreign Cultural Relation) Parallely to their exhibition prêt-à-partager in our big exhibition hall and in the Video-R oom.
28.4. - 7.7.2012
April 27, 8 pm
Dr. Uschi Eid & Madam Elke aus dem Moore
Souleymane Touré
Veronika Vogel & Jeff Chappah
Simone Gilges & Mamadou Gomis
more >> |
KLICK! Photo Competition: Winner from Senegal
Conference participants also voted for the winner of the photo competition, "KLICK! Your View of Culture and Education." More than 10,000 Internet users from around the world voted for their favorite ten photos from all of the submissions in advance of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum. From these ten, Mamadou Gomis from Senegal with "Need to Know" was selected as the winner. Second place went to "Child Teacher" by Ehtisham Ahmad Farooqi from Pakistan, and in third place was Jake Reeder from the USA with "DPDHL TeachForAll. India School in Mumbai." The photos from the contest can be seen at www.dw-gmf.de. |
The gallery’s path has led from the legendary Amiga Studios on Brunnenstraße, where we just turned off the lights, to the former artists academy and current Camaro Foundation at Potsdamer Straße 98A – a gorgeous building, also close to a park, located behind two passageways next to the legendary Wintergarten Varieté. |
The Association of Berlin Female Artists (VdBK) was founded in 1867 as the Association of Artists and Art Lovers of Berlin. In 1893, together with the women’s project Victoria-Lyceum, it moved to the brick building in the courtyard of Potsdamer Straße 98, which was number 39/39a back then. Paula Modersohn-Becker and Käthe Kollwitz were amongst the many women who studied and taught at this academy for female artists. |
Since the move in 1910, the building has had an eventful history. Many Berliners still remember the GdK, or Gallery of Arts, which operated in these spaces for many years before we arrived.
We’ve loosely set May 7th as the opening date for the new premises, which will be elaborately reconstructed between now and then. The gallery program will resume on 250 square meters of exhibition space, 80 square meters of administration space and 70 square meters of storage space.
The rooms are laid out very well and lend themselves readily to small events. The ambience around the gallery is wonderful and seems – with its round little bushes, fountains and marble grace – almost Italian. |
Foto von Dieter Bühler
Ancient African art will be presented in an even larger area than previously – a 60-square-metre gallery used exclusively for that. Thematic exhibitions of contemporary art in the ground-level main hall will remain the primary attraction for the public and therefore receive spatial priority with a total of 190 square meters. For the first time, we will have a separate room for video presentations… |
See the overview of the exhibition >>
Photo: Friederike Schinagl
Dr. Uschi Eid and Peter Herrmann. A toast. |
Un projet de Bill Kouélany, à Brazzaville. Également soutenu par la Galerie Peter Herrmann.
Présentation du project |